#traffic laws

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1 month ago

Spinning out of control? Cyclists say MPs are peddling fears over road safety

Cyclists in Regent's Park under scrutiny post-elderly woman's accident. Calls for stricter laws on cycling safety after incidents. London's green spaces popular for cycling and commuting. [ more ]
2 months ago
New York City

What No One Seems to Know About Honking in New York

Honking your horn in New York City is often illegal, with laws dating back to the 1930s. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago

'Daylighting,' a new law that California drivers must know to avoid a ticket next year

California has implemented a new law that creates a no-parking buffer around pedestrian crosswalks.
Drivers will need to leave a 20-foot gap between their vehicle and any marked or unmarked crosswalks. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Drivers caught in 20mph zone won't have to pay if they are genuinely confused'

Drivers will not be fined for breaching the 20mph speed limit in Wales if they are genuinely confused by the rule change.
The enforcement threshold for prosecution in Wales is 10% plus 4mph in a 20mph zone, higher than the threshold in the rest of Britain. [ more ]
6 months ago

Cyclist Takes NYPD to Court Over Improper Red Light Tickets - Streetsblog New York City

Cyclist sues city after being wrongly ticketed for following traffic laws
Lawsuit seeks to hold NYPD and DMV accountable for improperly ticketing cyclists [ more ]
1 month ago

Spinning out of control? Cyclists say MPs are peddling fears over road safety

Cyclists in Regent's Park under scrutiny post-elderly woman's accident. Calls for stricter laws on cycling safety after incidents. London's green spaces popular for cycling and commuting. [ more ]
2 months ago
New York City

What No One Seems to Know About Honking in New York

Honking your horn in New York City is often illegal, with laws dating back to the 1930s. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago

'Daylighting,' a new law that California drivers must know to avoid a ticket next year

California has implemented a new law that creates a no-parking buffer around pedestrian crosswalks.
Drivers will need to leave a 20-foot gap between their vehicle and any marked or unmarked crosswalks. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Drivers caught in 20mph zone won't have to pay if they are genuinely confused'

Drivers will not be fined for breaching the 20mph speed limit in Wales if they are genuinely confused by the rule change.
The enforcement threshold for prosecution in Wales is 10% plus 4mph in a 20mph zone, higher than the threshold in the rest of Britain. [ more ]
6 months ago

Cyclist Takes NYPD to Court Over Improper Red Light Tickets - Streetsblog New York City

Cyclist sues city after being wrongly ticketed for following traffic laws
Lawsuit seeks to hold NYPD and DMV accountable for improperly ticketing cyclists [ more ]
7 months ago
Digital life

More People Are Watching Videos on Their Phones While Driving. Often, It's Perfectly Legal.

Distracted driving is becoming more prevalent, with drivers watching videos and FaceTiming while driving.
Kentucky has weak distracted driving laws that do not explicitly ban watching videos while driving.
Many states have laws that were written before streaming video on phones was common, making them vague on whether watching videos while driving is illegal. [ more ]
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